
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Faultlines by Field Division

I can vividly remember where I was and what I was up to when I first heard music by the Local Natives. Airplanes was streaming at my favorite University District coffee shop, Cafe Solstice. Never before in my life, had I heard anything comparable. I somehow captured enough of the lyrics in my mind to later figure out what the song was. Discovering that song and later all of Gorilla Manor, ended up being one of those charming defining moments that helped shape my music tastes into what they are today.

Upon first listen of Faultlines by Field Division, my mind was yearning to feel the same way as I felt when I first heard Airplanes. There are definitely technical similarities between Field Division and Local Natives, but the common thread between the two is truly how the music makes me feel.

Here's a short list of why I adore this song : the beginning harmonies, the lushy vocals, the scenic descriptions but air of mystery contained within the lyrics, more harmonies, that moment half way through the song where the vibe noticeably darkens, the subsequent build up that actually makes it feel like clouds are moving in for a big storm, the tribal-esque but campfire sound delicately layered in... I could go on and on. When I listen to this song, I have wanderlust for the Southwest and can visualize the rich turquoises and tans in the back of my mind. Considering my drab surroundings at the moment, I find that impressive.

Field Division is a project from Des Moines, Iowa, currently stationed in Nashville, Tennessee, by Taylor Hiatt and Nick Frampton. From what I can tell, this is the only song they've released right now but I'm highly anticipating more.

You can download Faultlines on Bandcamp, Soundcloud and a few other places.

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